Color Bar Levels Area

Levels area of the Color Scale Editor dialog box

Number of zones - This setting allows you to change the number of color zones the software displays in the color bar. A setting of 1 displays the gradient view shown below:

Color Scale Editor dialog box

Click the up and down Levels arrows to change the number of tolerance zones. You can also click any of the current zones to create a new zone at that location.

Show both directions check box - Select this check box to enable the Min value's Scale and Set controls. If you do not select this check box, the Min value's Scale and Set controls are disabled. The Min value in this case is the negative of the Max value.

Show tolerances as percentages check box - If you select this check box, the software displays the Color Scale with percent values instead of tolerance values.

Use non-linear scale check box - Select this check box to display a non-linear colormap scale. For details, see the "Non-linear Colormap Scale" topic in this documentation.


Edit the Color Scale

Non-linear Colormap Scale

Color Scale Area

Profiles Area

Display in Scene Area

Changing a Zone's Color