Flush and Gap Graphical Analysis

The Flush and Gap analysis is comprised of these three regions. Consult the diagram at the bottom of this topic:

  1. Gap region - In the Gap region, the points that are analyzed are in a box centered on the gap point and oriented along the Gap vector. The box's height is 60% of Gap length value. The width is 130% of Gap length value.

  2. Master Flush region - In the Master Flush region, the points are analyzed in an area that begins at the Master Side point in a direction opposite from the Master Edge Vector. It has a length that is 60% of the Gap length value.

  3. Gauge Flush region - In the Gauge Flush region, the points are analyzed in an area that begins at the Gauge Side point in the direction opposite from the Gauge Edge Vector. It has a length that is 60% of the Gap length value.

The Flush and Gap analysis is performed using these measured items.

PC-DMIS computes the Flush and Gap measured point's distance from these four measured reference planes:

To reduce the analysis time, PC-DMIS only uses the points closest to the cut plane (less than 0.5 mm or 0.19685 inches).

Graphical Analysis Diagram:


AL - Analysis Length. It is 60% of the Gap length value.

AW - Analysis Width. It is 130% of the Gap length value.

- Minimum Distance Points

- Gap Vector

- Gap Point and View Vector

- Gauge Side Point and Vectors

- Master Side Point and Vectors

- Master Side Flush analysis region. Reference Plane.

- Gauge Side Flush analysis region. Reference Plane.

- Gap analysis region

- Gap analysis reference plane