Installation Information

The DLL for the LK Direct Serial/GPIB interface is named lkrs232.dll.

The PC-DMIS Settings Editor section for this interface is named "LK Direct".

The LK controllers are:

To perform correctly, PC-DMIS requires the original startup files from the LK software. These files are STARTUP.PRG, RESET1.PRG, and RESET2.PRG. For WinCMES, the file is STARTUP*.WIN.

Many systems have accumulated several of these files over time. To find the files, search the hard drive or drives. Once you have found the correct startup file for the machine, you must copy the file into the PC-DMIS directory and rename the file to DOWNL.OAD.

If the original system is not PC-based, you need to print the file, use a text editor to create the DOWNL.OAD file in the PC-DMIS directory, and manually type it in. The files are usually in these locations:

Newer versions of WinCMES or LK’s DMIS product that are 32-bit implementations for Windows use LK’s Common Driver DLL. Rather than use CMES-style startup programs, the controller-related settings for the common driver are in LKCMM.CFG in the Windows system directory (usually \windows\system, \winnt\system32, or windows\system32). The LK interface can read values from that file if it exists. For information on how to use information in the file, see "LKCMM.CFG Information".

If the current system uses LK error compensation, you must find the ERRDA.DAT file and copy it into the PC-DMIS directory.

LK3000, LK2000, and LK4000 systems do not use the ERRDA.DAT file for error compensation. You must use ASI or BNS, or a DEA compensation. You can also use the LKDRIVER interface (you must purchase a license and dongle from LK). The LKDRIVER interface uses LK’s Common Driver and therefore automatically uses LK’s error compensation.

This driver supplies reasonable default values to the controller for most of the initialization parameters if they are not in the startup file. Therefore, you can comment out suspect values if you are unable to get a good initialization from the startup file that you find on the machine.

This interface does not continuously read positions unless you specifically switch into Readouts mode through the Probe Mode toolbar or the button in the Probe Toolbox. You cannot take manual hits in Readouts mode.

When you take manual hits, you must depress the blue SLOW SPEED SELECT button. This ensures accurate hits for all probe types.

Related Topics:

Interface-Specific Options