LKCMM.CFG Information

The LK Direct Serial/GPIB interface can use information from LKCMM.CFG in two different ways:

The first time PC-DMIS runs after a new installation (that is, when the interface does not have an INI section), the interface automatically looks for LKCMM.CFG. If it finds the file, it automatically sets various INI entries according to the controller type, communications port, rotary table presence, rotary table type, and other parameters. Once the INI section exists, it no longer automatically looks for LKCMM.CFG during startup.


When LKCMM.CFG exists, you can include a line of the form $READ_LKCMM_CFG in the DOWNL.OAD file to significantly shorten the file. This line tells the interface to read parameters from that file. This is most useful for reading CMM variable values that would otherwise require SE ???? type lines in the DOWNL.OAD file to set the values.

For an example of a DOWNL.OAD file without the use of LKCMM.CFG, see "Sample DOWNL.OAD File (Full Version Without LKCMM.CFG)". For an example of a DOWNL.OAD file with the use of LKCMM.CFG, see "Sample DOWNLOAD File (Short Version With LKCMM.CFG)".

The latest LK software uses the LKCMM.CFG file. The STARTUP files on the computer may be old editions that do not work as is on the machine, even with the LK software. The $READ_LKCMM_CFG method may be particularly helpful for this reason.

Any LKCMM.CFG accessed by including a line of the form $READ_LKCMM_CFG is still used as a value data file (as LK does). The value in LKCMM.CFG can override DOWNL.OAD values that occur before the $READ_LKCMM_CFG command. Values that occur after the command override the values in LKCMM.CFG.