Data Flow Chart for PC-DMIS NC

In the chart below, follow these steps:

  1. Create a PC-DMIS measurement routine.

  2. Open the measurement routine in PC-DMIS NC.

  3. Select Operation | CNC Programming | Create CNC Measurement Routine. PC-DMIS NC creates the NC measurement routine file.

  4. Start the NC Server application. For details, see "Using NC Server" in the NC Server documentation.

For information on the NC Server operation, see the NC Server documentation.

  1. Use the NC Server to download the NC measurement routine to the NC controller.

  2. From the NC Server, run the NC measurement routine.

(A) - PC-DMIS Measurement Routine


(C) - Create CNC Measurement Routine

(D) - NC File

(E) - Download NC Measurement Routine

(F) - NC Controller

(G) - NC Measurement Routine Execution Results

(H) - NC Server

(I) - Journal File

(J) - Results