Incomplete Colormap – Understanding the Role of CAD Vectors

The Surface Colormap compares the vectors of the pointcloud and the CAD surface. If the CAD surfaces are not properly oriented, no colormap appears on those surfaces.

You can see the pointcloud orientation if you set the Pointcloud Display to two-sided. Using the default colors, the scan side is blue, and the opposite non-scanned side is orange.

Example of an incomplete colormap due to incorrect CAD vectors

In the above example, the highlighted surfaces have incorrect vectors. This is because they are 180 degrees opposite the scan orientation. You can use the Edit | Graphic Display Window | CAD Vectors menu item to correct this. For more information on editing CAD vectors, see "Editing CAD Vectors" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter of the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

For more information on incomplete colormaps , see the "Why is my CAD model colormap not displaying correctly?" article on the Hexagon Knowledgebase site.

Related topics:

Incomplete Colormap – Understanding the  Max Distance Setting


Colormap Processing Time Takes Too Long