RDS Troubleshooting Tips

Computer Often Runs Very Slow

If the computer runs very slow each time you use the RDS Data Collector or any other 3D software, check if the graphic card driver is correct. For example, if the card displays a low-resolution VGA driver, search for and install a better high-resolution driver.

Unable to Uninstall RDS, and The Computer displays “Could not find RDS install Log”

Locate the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE(\Wow6432Node for 64 bits OS) \Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\RDS” and then delete the RDS folder. Once this is done, you can then reinstall RDS.

Maintenance Functions Cannot Connect to the Arm

In RDS Toolbox, you can use most of the maintenance functions only in USB connection mode. If the current connection is Wi-Fi, use the USB cable to connect the arm to the computer.

RDS Freezes after Selecting the Scanner Type

This can happen when you add a new scanner. The solution is to disable the nView Desktop Manager and then open the nVidia nView Desktop Manager control panel. To do this, select Windows Menu | Settings | Control Panel | nVidia nView Desktop Manager. From the dialog box that appears, clear the Enable Desktop Manager check box and then click OK.

Buttons or Text are Cropped

Check that the Windows font size is set to 100%.

Firmware Update of the Mainboard Failed or RA8 Arm Does Not Start after a Firmware Update

Try to install the firmware again.

For the RA8 arm, if the issue occurred when programming the mainboard firmware, boot the arm into Safe mode:

  1. Press the Power button on the arm and then press it four more times. This boots the arm into Safe mode.

  2. Reinstall the firmware.

You can find the original "RDS Troubleshooting Tips" article at this Hexagon Knowledgebase site.


Appendix C: Troubleshooting Portable Systems