Step 3: Launch PC-DMIS and Configure the Leica Interface

Once you have correctly installed PC-DMIS and connected your Leica tracker, you are ready to launch PC-DMIS.

  1. Use the shortcut you created in step 1 to start PC-DMIS. The Leica Tracker initializes upon PC-DMIS startup. Initialization causes the tracker to go through a series of movements to ensure proper functionality. If there are other issues that cause the Leica Tracker to not initialize correctly, the LT controller sends messages to PC-DMIS for display.

  2. For 6dof systems, PC-DMIS warns you if the laser is still warming up. Warming up the laser takes about 20 minutes.

  3. Select the needed probe file from the Select Probe File dialog box.

  4. Use the Machine Options dialog box (Edit | Machine Interface Setup) to configure the Leica Interface.

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