Tracker Operation Toolbar

Tracker Operation toolbar (for AT-901 Trackers)

Tracker Operation toolbar (for AT930/960, AT-40x, AT500 and ATS600 Trackers)

Tracker Operation toolbar (for LAS, LAS-XL and T-Scan Trackers)

Common Items

Insert Tracker Command - Determines whether or not PC-DMIS inserts a command into the Edit window when you select to perform a Tracker operation from the Tracker menu or Tracker Operations toolbar.

If you enable this menu item, a check mark appears next to it. You can also toggle this on or off through the Insert a tracker command icon on the Tracker Operations toolbar.

Station Management - Brings up the tracker Station Manager dialog box.

For details, see "Adding and Removing Stations".

Initialize - Initializes encoders and internal components of the laser tracker. This command is automatically called when PC-DMIS first connects to the Laser Tracker (emScon) controller once the tracker is warmed up. The tracker goes through a series of movements to verify the functionality.

Go 6DoF 0 Position (Alt + F9) - The Leica Tracker points the laser in the opposite direction of the BirdBath position to the 6DoF 0 position. This provides a known and convenient location at which you can recapture the beam with the T-Probe.

Find (Alt + F6) - Searches for a reflector or T-Probe at the current laser position. The find function is performed based upon the Search Settings provided in the "Sensor Configuration tab".

Probe Compensation On/Off (Alt + F2) - When the probe compensation is "ON", PC-DMIS compensates by the radius of the T-Probe tip or the reflector sphere. During bundle alignment creation, PC-DMIS automatically activates or deactivates probe compensation as needed when it measures points.

Stable Probing On/Off (Alt + F7) - When this option is "on", PC-DMIS automatically triggers a hit if you leave a reflector in a position for a specified time. This is set from the Probing tab on the Parameter Settings dialog box (F10). It is only available if you are running as a tracker. This allows for hits to be taken, without using a remote control or interacting directly with the computer.

Enable PowerLock On/Off - Turns the PowerLock functionality on or off. When turned on, the tracker's laser beam can very quickly re-lock on the device. This means you don't need to catch the beam manually. If you break the laser beam, point the reflector or other supported T-product measuring device at the tracker, and the tracker immediately catches the beam for you. This is usually helpful while you are relatively close to the tracker. If you are working far away from the tracker, you may want to turn off PowerLock because the field of view is so large that the laser always locks on even if that isn't what you want. In addition, multiple reflectors in the field of view could confuse the tracker and cause problems. This icon is disabled for trackers that do not support the PowerLock functionality.

Tracker Overview Camera - Allows you to move the tracker head and find reflective targets.

Move Feature - Displays the Move Feature dialog box. This dialog box contains the Move To and Point To options.

For details, see "Move Feature (Move To / Point To)".

Bundle Alignment - Uses this for large or complex measurements to create multiple stations in a common network.

For details, see "Using Bundle Alignments".

Specific Items (for AT-901 Trackers)

Specific Items (for AT-901, LAS, LAS-XL and T-Scan Trackers)

Specific Items (for AT-930/960, AT-40x, AT500, ATS600, LAS, LAS-XL and T-Scan Trackers)