Creating a Surface Scan with the Surface Topography Sensor

To create a surface scan using the Surface Topography sensor:

  1. Enter a feature ID.

  2. Define the XYZ position for the surface scan. You can do this in one of these ways:

  1. Click the Read button to read in a position from the machine.

  2. Click the Lock Target button to lock and unlock the target position. PC-DMIS sets this option to lock by default when you are in Edit mode.

  3. The Width and Height values are read-only and show the target's width and height.

  4. Select a pointcloud from the list or create a new pointcloud. For details on how to create a pointcloud, see the "Using Pointclouds" topic in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

  5. Select an Avoidance move option from the list. The available options are:

  1. Type the Avoidance move distance in this box.

  2. Click the Clearance Plane button to enable or disable this function.

  3. Click the Move To button to move the machine to the XYZ coordinates of the surface scan. DCC is required for this step.

  4. Click the Test button to perform a test run of the surface scan with the current settings. DCC is required for this step.

  5. When you are satisfied with the setup, click the Create button to create the Surface Scan command in the Edit window.

  6. Click the Cancel button to close the Surface Scan Command dialog box.

Notes on Surface Scans Using the Surface Topography Sensor


Surface Topography Sensor

Surface Topography Illumination Settings and Measurement Strategy