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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > Application Object : IsClosing Property
IsClosing Property
This returns True when the PC-DMIS application window quits, through the File | Exit menu item, or when someone closes the application window manually with the x button in the top right.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property IsClosing As Boolean
Return Type
Read-only Boolean. If the application window closes, this returns True. If the application window does not close, this returns False.

When you run PC-DMIS through automation and the application window closes, the pcdlrn.exe process continues to run in the background without any visible user interface until the automation application releases all references.

To know how many application objects are referenced, use the LockObjectCount property.

A listening application should use the OnClosingApplication event within ApplicationObjectEvents to properly release PC-DMIS. The UserExit and LockObjectCount parameters show the value of the respective application properties when PC-DMIS started to close.

See Also