Class Module | Description |
ActiveTip | The ActiveTip object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Set Active Tip command. |
AlignCmnd | AlignCmnd objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass alignment information back and forth. |
AnalysisWindow |
This object allows you to work with a specified Analysis object in a template, custom report, or in the Report window. |
Application | The Application object represents the PC-DMIS application. |
ApplicationObjectEvents | The ApplicationObjectEvents object provides you with a series of events that get called when the PC-DMIS application meets certain conditions. |
ApplicationSettings | The ApplicationSettings object is a class that contains various properties and methods that allow you to work with PC-DMIS settings. |
ArrayIndex | The ArrayIndex object is used to set up multi-dimensional feature arrays in PC-DMIS. Methods are provided to add, remove, or edit array upper and lower bounds for array indices. |
Attach | The Attach object attaches measurement routines to the current measurement routine. The current measurement routine can then access objects from the attached measurement routines. |
AutomationSettings | The AutomationSettings object controls how to handle PC-DMIS automated behaviors. This includes, but is not limited to, automatic-generated messages in PC-DMIS. |
Autotrigger |
The Autotrigger object automatically takes hits when the probe enters a specified zone. |
BasicScan | BasicScan objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the scan command back and forth. At present only DCC basic scans are user-accessible. |
BladeScanCommand | BladeScanCommand Object |
BundledStation | |
BundledStations | |
CadHandle | |
CadModel | The CadModel object allows you to work with the imported CAD model in PC-DMIS' Graphics Display window. |
CadPointOnSurface | CadPointOnSurface Object |
CadPointsOnSurface | Object for the collection of polylines on surface |
CadPolyLineOnSurface | CadPolyLineOnSurface Object |
CadPolyLinesOnSurface | Object for the collection of polylines on surface |
CadWindow | The CadWindow object is the one and only cad window for a measurement routine. |
CadWindows | The CadWindows object is an object containing a collection of CadWindow objects currently available to a measurement routine.
Calibration | The Calibration object allows for tip calibration during measurement routine execution. This object is placed into a measurement routine through the Add method of the Commands object and obtained from the Command object via the CalibrationCommand property. |
Color | The Color object is used to automate color settings used in PC-DMIS's report templates. |
Colors | The Colors object allows you to work with collections of Color objects. These are used to automate color settings used in PC-DMIS's report templates. |
Command | The Command object represents a single command in PC-DMIS. |
Commands | The Commands object contains all the Command objects in a measurement routine. |
Comment | The Comment object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Comment command. |
CommentInputDialog | This objects lets you work with the Input Comment dialog box that appears during execution when PC-DMIS executes a COMMENT/INPUT command. |
ControlPoint | With the ControlPoint object you can insert control point locations. These locations interrupt the normal scan and alter scan speed, point density or both for defined portions of the scan. |
DataType | The DataType object allows you to return objects of information about a particular data type or field. |
DataTypes | The DataTypes object allows you to return objects of varying data types. |
DefaultDimensionColors | This object exposes methods and properties that allow access to most of the dimension color values contained in the Edit Dimension Color dialog box in PC-DMIS. |
DimData | The DimData object is similar to a type defined in the Example below. You can use it to pass dimension information in automation functions that accept that type. |
DimensionCmd | DimensionCmd objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the dimension command back and forth. |
DimFormat | The DimFormat object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Dimension Format command. For additional information on dimensions, see the topic "Dimension Options" in the PC-DMIS documentation. |
DimInfo | The DimInfo object gives access to the properties and methods of the PC-DMIS Dimension Information command. See "DIMINFO Command" in the PC-DMIS documentation for additional information. |
DispMetaFile | The DispMetaFile object gives access to the comment properties of the PC-DMIS Display Metafile command. |
DmisDialog | The DmisDialog object represents a PC-DMIS modeless dialog box. You can use it to work with most PC-DMIS dialog boxes. This object wraps the PC-DMIS dialog box and implements the IDialog interface.
DmisMatrix | The DmisMatrix object is a four by three array of doubles modeled after the transformation matrices used in PC-DMIS. The first set of three doubles represents the matrix offset. The second set of three doubles represents the X axis. The third set of three doubles represents the Y axis. The fourth set of three doubles represents the Z axis. |
EditWindow |
The EditWindow object represents the Edit window associated with a measurement routine. It is always present, although sometimes it is invisible. When in Command mode, the Edit window lists all the commands in the measurement routine. |
ExecutedCommands | The ExecutedCommands object acts much like the Commands object except that it only contains a collection of the executed commands from the last measurement routine execution, while the Commands object contains all the commands in the measurement routine. |
ExecutionWindow | The ExecutionWindow object contains methods and properties to control the Execution dialog box in PC-DMIS. If you execute a measurement routine with collision detection, the Collision Detection dialog box controls the execution. It adds some additional buttons beyond what the Execution dialog box has. |
ExternalCommand | The ExternalCommand object causes PC-DMIS to launch an external program during measurement routine execution. This object has one property: The command property. This property consists of a string value used to execute the external command. |
FCFCommand | |
FeatCmd | FeatCmd are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the feature command back and forth. |
FeatData | The FeatData object is similar to a type as defined in the Example below. It is be used to pass feature data in automation functions that accept this type |
FileIO | The FileIO object is used to access the PC-DMIS File I/O object. |
FlowControlCmd | FlowControlCmd objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the flow control command back and forth. |
FPanel | The FPanel object contains properties that allow you to work with an F-Panel controller and interface. |
HOBPointInfo |
This object is the specified pointinfo object contained within the parent HOBPointInfoList collection object. |
HOBPointInfoList |
This object holds a collection of hyperview objects (HOB) as pointinfo objects. |
IBladeScanCommand | |
IMarkedSetInfo | |
IMarkedSetInfoList | |
IMiniroutineInfo | |
IMiniroutineInfoList | |
IToleranceCommand | |
LabelControls | The LabelControls object gives you access to a variety of controls such as buttons, text boxes, and other items that you can add to, remove, and otherwise manipulate on a label template. |
LabelTemplate | The LabelTemplate object allows you to get or set various settings for a label template. |
LabelTemplates | The LabelTemplates object contains all open label templates in PC-DMIS's Label Template editor. |
LEAPFROG | The Leapfrog object contains three leapfrog properties that will allow you to define how to use PC-DMIS's Leapfrog option (available in PC-DMIS Versions 3.0 and above) to translate along a part as well as the numbers of hits to use for each feature. For information on Leapfrog, see the "Performing a LeapFrog Operation” topic in the PC-DMIS Help File. |
LIVWindow | The LIVWindow object gives access to the live image view (sometimes call the Live Window or Live View) that is used in PC-DMIS Vision. In PC-DMIS, this view appears in a Vision tab in the Graphics Display window. The additional tab shows a real-time view from the camera on a vision probe. Other applications can use the Live View to support the display and execution of Vision measurement routines. |
LmsLicense | Lms License Object |
LoadMachine | The LoadMachine object gives access to the machine name property of the PC-DMIS Load Machine command. |
LoadProbe | The LoadProbe object gives access to the filename property of the PC-DMIS Load Probe command. |
Machine | The Machine object represents a CMM, or a virtual off-line "machine". The Machine objects are contained in the Machines collection. The Machine object is primarily an event source. |
Machines | The Machines object is the collection of all Machine objects currently available in PC-DMIS. Each Machine object is bound to exactly one PartProgram object, and vice versa. Use Machines(index) where index is the index number or on-line machine’s name to return a single Machine object. |
MarkedSetInfo | |
MarkedSetInfoList | |
MasterSlaveDlg | The MasterSlaveDlg object gets called when the PartProgram.MasterSlaveDlg method is used. |
MiniroutineInfo | |
MiniroutineInfoList | |
MiniroutineSettings | |
MiniroutineTimeInfo | |
MiniroutineTimeInfoList | |
ModalCmd | Objects of type AlignCmnd are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the modal command back and forth. |
MoveCmd | Objects of type MoveCmd are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the move command back and forth. |
OldBasic | These PC-DMIS OldBasic functions were made available in previous version of PC-DMIS basic and are provided here, listed in alphabetical order, for backwards compatibility. |
OptimizePath | The OptimizePath object contains the functions to perform path optimizations on measurement routines. You can return a pointer to this object by using the OptimizePath property in the PartProgram object. |
OPTIONPROBE | The OPTIONPROBE object provides support for the Optional Probe command. |
OptMotion | The OptMotion command object is used to change optional motion settings for the PC-DMIS probe motion command object. |
Page | This object contains information about a specific page in the Report window. |
Pages | This object contains a collection of the Page objects that appear in the Report window. |
PartProgram | The PartProgram object represents a measurement routine currently available in PC-DMIS. This is the main object used to manipulate measurement routines. |
PartPrograms | The PartPrograms object contains all the open measurement routines in PC-DMIS. |
PartProgramSettings | The PartProgramSettings object allows you to get or set various measurement routine settings. |
PCDMessageBox | This object lets you work with PC-DMIS message boxes. |
PictureData | Picture Data Object |
PointData |
PortLock | Port Lock Object |
probe | The Probe object provides information about a given probe description file. It also allows you to manipulate the Probe dialog in PC-DMIS. |
Probes | The Probes object is the collection of all Probe objects currently available to a measurement routine. |
ProbeToolBoxPage | |
ProbeToolBoxPages | |
PropertySheetDialog | This object lets you work with property sheets dialog boxes in PC-DMIS. |
QualificationSettings | The QualificationSettings object specifies how to calibrate your probe. The calibration process tells PC-DMIS the location and diameter of the probe tip. For more information on calibrating the probe, see the "Defining Probes" topic in the PC-DMIS help file. |
QuickFeatureSelection | QuickFeatureSelection Object |
QuickStart | |
QuickStartAddedCommands | |
QuickStartStep | |
QuickStartSteps | |
QuickStartTask | |
ReadoutWindow | This object lets you work with PC-DMIS's Probe Readout window. |
RegistrySetting | |
RegistrySettings | |
ReportControl | This lets you get or set properties for a specific Reporting object. |
ReportControls |
The ReportControls object gives you access to a variety of controls such as buttons, text boxes, and other items that you can add to, remove, and otherwise manipulate on a particular section of a report template. |
ReportData | The ReportData object lets you access data sent to reports during the EventReportData event. |
ReportTemplate | The ReportTemplate object allows you to get or set various settings for a report template. |
ReportTemplates | The ReportTemplates object contains all open report templates in PC-DMIS's Report Template editor. |
ReportWindow | The ReportWindow object allows you to get or set various settings for the Report window. |
RoutineExecutionTimeManager | |
Scan | Scan objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the scan command back and forth. At present only DCC and Manual scans are user accessible. |
Section | The Section object lets you manipulate a particular section from the collection of available Selections used by a report template. |
Sections | The Sections object contains a collection of all existing Section tabs for a given report template in PC-DMIS's Report Template editor. |
STATISTICS | The Statistics object gives access to the properties and data members of the PC-DMIS Statistics command. |
Strategies | This Strategies object contains a collection of the PC-DMIS measurement strategies.
You can access the Strategies object through the strategies property in the Command object. |
Strategy | This Strategy object lets you manipulate a specific strategy contained within the Strategies collection. |
StringArray | This object holds an array of strings. It is created with the GetStringArray method. |
Target | |
Targets | |
TempComp | The TempComp object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Temperature Compensation command. For additional information about Temperature Compensation, see "Compensating for Temperature" in the "Setting Your Preferences" section of the PC-DMIS Help File. |
Tip | The Tip object describes a single tip of a probe. All of its properties are read-only. |
Tips | The Tips object is the collection of all Tip objects for a Probe object. The Probe object that the Tips store Tip objects for is contained in the Parent property. |
ToleranceCommand | You can use the ToleranceCommand object to automate Geometric Tolerances commands inside of PC-DMIS. |
tool | The Tool object represents a single probe calibration tool. |
ToolkitInternalCommands | Toolkit Internal Commands Collection Object |
Tools | The Tools collection object contains the tools available to the parent PartProgram object. |
TRACEFIELD | The Tracefield object gives access to the name and value properties of the PC-DMIS Tracefield command. For additional information on this command see "Using Trace Field" in the "Tracking Statistical Data" section of the PC-DMIS documentation. |
tutorhit | |
Variable | PC-Dmis Variable Object |
VariableArray |
PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library