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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
Project Overview
PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
Class ModuleDescription
The ActiveTip object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Set Active Tip command.
AlignCmnd objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass alignment information back and forth.


This object allows you to work with a specified Analysis object in a template, custom report, or in the Report window.

The Application object represents the PC-DMIS application.

The ApplicationObjectEvents object provides you with a series of events that get called when the PC-DMIS application meets certain conditions.
The ApplicationSettings object is a class that contains various properties and methods that allow you to work with PC-DMIS settings.
The ArrayIndex object is used to set up multi-dimensional feature arrays in PC-DMIS. Methods are provided to add, remove, or edit array upper and lower bounds for array indices.
The Attach object attaches measurement routines to the current measurement routine. The current measurement routine can then access objects from the attached measurement routines.
The AutomationSettings object controls how to handle PC-DMIS automated behaviors. This includes, but is not limited to, automatic-generated messages in PC-DMIS.


The Autotrigger object automatically takes hits when the probe enters a specified zone.

BasicScan objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the scan command back and forth. At present only DCC basic scans are user-accessible.
BladeScanCommand Object
The CadModel object allows you to work with the imported CAD model in PC-DMIS' Graphics Display window.
CadPointOnSurface Object
Object for the collection of polylines on surface
CadPolyLineOnSurface Object
Object for the collection of polylines on surface
The CadWindow object is the one and only cad window for a measurement routine.

The CadWindows object is an object containing a collection of CadWindow objects currently available to a measurement routine.


The Calibration object allows for tip calibration during measurement routine execution. This object is placed into a measurement routine through the Add method of the Commands object and obtained from the Command object via the CalibrationCommand property.
The Color object is used to automate color settings used in PC-DMIS's report templates.

The Colors object allows you to work with collections of Color objects. These are used to automate color settings used in PC-DMIS's report templates.

The Command object represents a single command in PC-DMIS.

The Commands object contains all the Command objects in a measurement routine.
The Comment object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Comment command.
This objects lets you work with the Input Comment dialog box that appears during execution when PC-DMIS executes a COMMENT/INPUT command.
With the ControlPoint object you can insert control point locations. These locations interrupt the normal scan and alter scan speed, point density or both for defined portions of the scan.
The DataType object allows you to return objects of information about a particular data type or field.
The DataTypes object allows you to return objects of varying data types.
This object exposes methods and properties that allow access to most of the dimension color values contained in the Edit Dimension Color dialog box in PC-DMIS.

The DimData object is similar to a type defined in the Example below. You can use it to pass dimension information in automation functions that accept that type.

DimensionCmd objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the dimension command back and forth.
The DimFormat object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Dimension Format command. For additional information on dimensions, see the topic "Dimension Options" in the PC-DMIS documentation.
The DimInfo object gives access to the properties and methods of the PC-DMIS Dimension Information command. See "DIMINFO Command" in the PC-DMIS documentation for additional information.
The DispMetaFile object gives access to the comment properties of the PC-DMIS Display Metafile command.

The DmisDialog object represents a PC-DMIS modeless dialog box. You can use it to work with most PC-DMIS dialog boxes. This object wraps the PC-DMIS dialog box and implements the IDialog interface.


The DmisMatrix object is a four by three array of doubles modeled after the transformation matrices used in PC-DMIS. The first set of three doubles represents the matrix offset. The second set of three doubles represents the X axis. The third set of three doubles represents the Y axis. The fourth set of three doubles represents the Z axis.


The EditWindow object represents the Edit window associated with a measurement routine. It is always present, although sometimes it is invisible. When in Command mode, the Edit window lists all the commands in the measurement routine.

The ExecutedCommands object acts much like the Commands object except that it only contains a collection of the executed commands from the last measurement routine execution, while the Commands object contains all the commands in the measurement routine.

The ExecutionWindow object contains methods and properties to control the Execution dialog box in PC-DMIS.

If you execute a measurement routine with collision detection, the Collision Detection dialog box controls the execution. It adds some additional buttons beyond what the Execution dialog box has.

The ExternalCommand object causes PC-DMIS to launch an external program during measurement routine execution. This object has one property: The command property. This property consists of a string value used to execute the external command.
FeatCmd are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the feature command back and forth.

The FeatData object is similar to a type as defined in the Example below.

It is be used to pass feature data in automation functions that accept this type

The FileIO object is used to access the PC-DMIS File I/O object.

FlowControlCmd objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the flow control command back and forth.
The FPanel object contains properties that allow you to work with an F-Panel controller and interface.


This object is the specified pointinfo object contained within the parent HOBPointInfoList collection object. 


This object holds a collection of hyperview objects (HOB) as pointinfo objects. 

The LabelControls object gives you access to a variety of controls such as buttons, text boxes, and other items that you can add to, remove, and otherwise manipulate on a label template.
The LabelTemplate object allows you to get or set various settings for a label template.

The LabelTemplates object contains all open label templates in PC-DMIS's Label Template editor.

The Leapfrog object contains three leapfrog properties that will allow you to define how to use PC-DMIS's Leapfrog option (available in PC-DMIS Versions 3.0 and above) to translate along a part as well as the numbers of hits to use for each feature.

For information on Leapfrog, see the "Performing a LeapFrog Operation” topic in the PC-DMIS Help File.

The LIVWindow object gives access to the live image view (sometimes call the Live Window or Live View) that is used in PC-DMIS Vision. In PC-DMIS, this view appears in a Vision tab in the Graphics Display window. The additional tab shows a real-time view from the camera on a vision probe. Other applications can use the Live View to support the display and execution of Vision measurement routines.

Lms License Object
The LoadMachine object gives access to the machine name property of the PC-DMIS Load Machine command.
The LoadProbe object gives access to the filename property of the PC-DMIS Load Probe command.

The Machine object represents a CMM, or a virtual off-line "machine". The Machine objects are contained in the Machines collection.

The Machine object is primarily an event source.

The Machines object is the collection of all Machine objects currently available in PC-DMIS. Each Machine object is bound to exactly one PartProgram object, and vice versa. Use Machines(index) where index is the index number or on-line machine’s name to return a single Machine object.
The MasterSlaveDlg object gets called when the PartProgram.MasterSlaveDlg method is used.
Objects of type AlignCmnd are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the modal command back and forth.
Objects of type MoveCmd are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the move command back and forth.

These PC-DMIS OldBasic functions were made available in previous version of PC-DMIS basic and are provided here, listed in alphabetical order, for backwards compatibility.

The OptimizePath object contains the functions to perform path optimizations on measurement routines. You can return a pointer to this object by using the OptimizePath property in the PartProgram object.

The OPTIONPROBE object provides support for the Optional Probe command.
The OptMotion command object is used to change optional motion settings for the PC-DMIS probe motion command object.
This object contains information about a specific page in the Report window.
This object contains a collection of the Page objects that appear in the Report window.
The PartProgram object represents a measurement routine currently available in PC-DMIS. This is the main object used to manipulate measurement routines.

The PartPrograms object contains all the open measurement routines in PC-DMIS.

The PartProgramSettings object allows you to get or set various measurement routine settings.
This object lets you work with PC-DMIS message boxes.
Picture Data Object


Port Lock Object
The Probe object provides information about a given probe description file. It also allows you to manipulate the Probe dialog in PC-DMIS.
The Probes object is the collection of all Probe objects currently available to a measurement routine.
This object lets you work with property sheets dialog boxes in PC-DMIS.
The QualificationSettings object specifies how to calibrate your probe. The calibration process tells PC-DMIS the location and diameter of the probe tip. For more information on calibrating the probe, see the "Defining Probes" topic in the PC-DMIS help file.
QuickFeatureSelection Object

This object lets you work with PC-DMIS's Probe Readout window.

This lets you get or set properties for a specific Reporting object.


The ReportControls object gives you access to a variety of controls such as buttons, text boxes, and other items that you can add to, remove, and otherwise manipulate on a particular section of a report template.

The ReportData object lets you access data sent to reports during the EventReportData event.

The ReportTemplate object allows you to get or set various settings for a report template.

The ReportTemplates object contains all open report templates in PC-DMIS's Report Template editor.

The ReportWindow object allows you to get or set various settings for the Report window.
Scan objects are created from more generic Command objects to pass information specific to the scan command back and forth. At present only DCC and Manual scans are user accessible.
The Section object lets you manipulate a particular section from the collection of available Selections used by a report template.

The Sections object contains a collection of all existing Section tabs for a given report template in PC-DMIS's Report Template editor.

The Statistics object gives access to the properties and data members of the PC-DMIS Statistics command.
This Strategies object contains a collection of the PC-DMIS measurement strategies.

You can access the Strategies object through the strategies property in the Command object.

This Strategy object lets you manipulate a specific strategy contained within the Strategies collection.
This object holds an array of strings. It is created with the GetStringArray method.

The TempComp object gives access to the properties of the PC-DMIS Temperature Compensation command. For additional information about Temperature Compensation, see "Compensating for Temperature" in the "Setting Your Preferences" section of the PC-DMIS Help File.

The Tip object describes a single tip of a probe. All of its properties are read-only.
The Tips object is the collection of all Tip objects for a Probe object. The Probe object that the Tips store Tip objects for is contained in the Parent property.
You can use the ToleranceCommand object to automate Geometric Tolerances commands inside of PC-DMIS.
The Tool object represents a single probe calibration tool.
Toolkit Internal Commands Collection Object
The Tools collection object contains the tools available to the parent PartProgram object.
The Tracefield object gives access to the name and value properties of the PC-DMIS Tracefield command. For additional information on this command see "Using Trace Field" in the "Tracking Statistical Data" section of the PC-DMIS documentation.
PC-Dmis Variable Object
Public Enumerations
This enuermated list defines the possible values you can use to set the Z order for a dialog box or window.
Only dialog boxes that fire Open and Close events are in this enumeration.
This enumerated list shows the possible values for the ConnectionStatus property. 

The Object Type, or OBTYPE, is a special member of the Application (or PCDLRN) object. It contains several constant values tied to enumerations. You can use these values when working with the Commands.Add method and the Command.Type property.

The following list shows the available OBTYPE constants and their equivalent enumerations. These enumerated values are of type LONG:

This enumerated list can convey the status when a method attempts to open a measurement routine. This is primarily used with the Open_Ex method in the PartPrograms object.