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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > BasicScan Object : GetNomsParams Method
Required Double variable that gets the Find Noms tolerance and is used only when the NominalMode property is BSCANNMODE_FINDCADNOMINAL.
Required Double variable that gets the surface thickness and is used only when the NominalMode property is BSCANNMODE_FINDCADNOMINAL.
Required Double variable that gets the edge thickness and is used only when the NominalMode property is BSCANNMODE_FINDCADNOMINAL and when the Method property is BSCANMETH_EDGE.
GetNomsParams Method
Gets the parameters used in finding of scan nominals
Visual Basic
Public Function GetNomsParams( _
   ByRef dFindNomsTolerance As Double, _
   ByRef dSurfaceThickness As Double, _
   ByRef dEdgeThickness As Double _
) As Boolean
Required Double variable that gets the Find Noms tolerance and is used only when the NominalMode property is BSCANNMODE_FINDCADNOMINAL.
Required Double variable that gets the surface thickness and is used only when the NominalMode property is BSCANNMODE_FINDCADNOMINAL.
Required Double variable that gets the edge thickness and is used only when the NominalMode property is BSCANNMODE_FINDCADNOMINAL and when the Method property is BSCANMETH_EDGE.
Return Type
Boolean value. Boolean returns true if the function succeeds, false if it fails.
See Also