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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : Command Object
Command Object

The Command object represents a single command in PC-DMIS.

Object Model
Command ObjectActiveTip ObjectAlignCmnd ObjectApplication ObjectArrayIndex ObjectAttach ObjectBasicScan ObjectBladeScanCommand ObjectCalibration ObjectComment ObjectDataTypes ObjectDimensionCmd ObjectDimensionCmd ObjectDimFormat ObjectDimInfo ObjectDispMetaFile ObjectExternalCommand ObjectFCFCommand ObjectFeatCmd ObjectFileIO ObjectFlowControlCmd ObjectCommand ObjectCommand ObjectCommand ObjectCommand ObjectLEAPFROG ObjectLoadMachine ObjectLoadProbe ObjectModalCmd ObjectMoveCmd ObjectVariable ObjectOPTIONPROBE ObjectOptMotion ObjectCommands ObjectBasicScan ObjectVariable ObjectSTATISTICS ObjectStrategies ObjectTempComp ObjectCommand ObjectToleranceCommand ObjectToolkitInternalCommands ObjectCommand ObjectTRACEFIELD Object
Examples of single commands in PC-DMIS are the start of a feature, a hit, the end of a feature, a single X dimension line, an auto feature, etc.

The Command object is also a "collection object" as it represents:

  • the collection of executions of this object in the current execution.
  • the collection of executions of this object in the previous execution.

For examples of this object, see the GetReferencedFeature property, or the ToleranceCommand object.

See Also