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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > DefaultDimensionColors Object : ToleranceZoneColors Property
ToleranceZoneColors Property

This read/write parametric property determiens the color of a specific tolerance zone.

This property does the same thing as setting a color for a specific tolerance zone in the Edit Dimension Color dialog box. For more information, see the PC-DMIS help file.

Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property ToleranceZoneColors( _
   ByVal ToleranceZoneIndex As Long _
) As Long

In ShowColorsInTwoDirections, a negative index indicates a minus tolerance range. An absolute index value should be within the range of MinNumberOfToleranceZone <=> MaxNumberOfToleranceZone.

If ShowColorsInTwoDirections is TRUE, then indexes with an absolute value of 1 refer to the tolerance zone closest to the nominal value. Indexes with an absolute value equal to the  NumberOfToleranceZones refer to the tolerance zone closest to the out-of-tolerance value. In the Edit Dimension Color dialog box, in the list where you define the tolerance zones, the zones that are closest to the nominal value are in the middle of combo box, while the zones that are closest to out-of-tolerance value are near the Out of MAX% of Positive Tolerance and Out of MAX% of Negative Tolerance zones.

See Also