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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > Machine Object : DriverVersion Property
DriverVersion Property
This read-only property returns the driver version for your measurement machine. It returns version information from the machine interface call driver_get_version.
Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property DriverVersion As String
Return Type
String value

Here are three examples for different machine interfaces:

1. For the I++ client with Reninshaw server this returns a string of "Iplusplus Client Jul 24 2017 release 2.29".
2. For the I++ client with Technology Server this returns a string of "Iplusplus Client Jul 24 2017 release 2.29 LEITZ B5".
3. For LEITZ this returns a string of "leitz Jul 24 2017 release 8.07 B5".

See Also