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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : MasterSlaveDlg Object
MasterSlaveDlg Object Members
Public Methods
Runs the Master/Slave calibration process.
Public Properties

This read-only object returns the Application object.

Gets or sets whether the Master / Slave calibration is a manual (0) or DCC (1) calibration.

Gets or sets which probe is used on the Master machine. The names are taken from the owning PartProgram object's Probes collection.
Gets or sets which tip is used on the Master machine. The names are taken from the owning PartProgram object's Probes collection.

Gets or sets which arm or arms measure the calibration sphere.

This read-only object returns the parent Application object.

Gets or sets the first (or only) sphere position.
Gets or sets which probe is used on the Slave machine. The names are taken from the owning PartProgram object's Probes collection.
Gets or sets which tip is used on the Slave machine. The names are taken from the owning PartProgram object's Probes collection.
Gets or sets which calibration tool is being measured during the calibration process. The names are taken from the owning PartProgram object's Tools collection.
Determines whether or not the Master / Slave dialog box is visible.
See Also