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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > ModalCmd Object : RMeasMode Property
RMeasMode Property
Represents the current relative measure (or RMEAS) mode.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property RMeasMode As ENUM_RMEAS_MODE
Return Type
Read/write ENUM_RMEAS_MODE enumeration.

These can be 0 for RMEAS_LEGACY (previously RMEAS_NORMAL) or 1 for RMEAS_DEFAULT (previously RMEAS_ABSOLUTE). The default value is RMEAS_DEFAULT.

Note that while RMEAS_NORMAL and RMEAS_ABSOLUTE remain for compatibility with previous versions of PC-DMIS, for new scripts, you should use RMEAS_LEGACY and RMEAS_DEFAULT instead.

  • RMEAS_DEFAULT - uses the RMEAS feature’s measured position and vector, applying any positional offsets along that vector.
  • RMEAS_LEGACY - uses the deviation of the RMEAS feature’s position and orientation.

The differences between Legacy and Default are discussed in more detail in the main PC-DMIS help file. See the "Setting Up Relative Measure (RMEAS)" topic in the "Creating Auto Features" section.

See Also