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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > PartPrograms Object : CreateRoutineFromInspectionPlan Method

This is the file name to give the created measurement routine.

Required String. This is the file name to use for the CAD file used by the measurement routine. This needs to be a full pathway file name to the CAD file. The extension can be any CAD file extension that PC-DMIS can import (such as .cad, .igs, .dxf, and so on).

Required String. This is the file name of the inspection plan that the measurement routine is created from. This needs to be a full pathway file name to the inspection plan (.xml or.planxml).

Required String. This is the identifying string for your machine. If you're running in offline mode, use "Offline". If you're running in online mode use "CMM1".

CreateRoutineFromInspectionPlan Method
Creates a measurement routine from an inspection plan and then adds the routine as part of a PartPrograms collection.
Visual Basic
Public Function CreateRoutineFromInspectionPlan( _
   ByVal FileName As String, _
   ByVal CadFileName As String, _
   ByVal PlanFileName As String, _
   ByVal MachineName As String _
) As PartProgram

This is the file name to give the created measurement routine.

  • If this is an empty string, PC-DMIS displays a dialog so you can type in the name of the routine.
  • If this is a full path, the routine is created at that location.
  • If this is just a string for a file name, the routine is created in the default folder PC-DMIS uses for measurement routines.

Required String. This is the file name to use for the CAD file used by the measurement routine. This needs to be a full pathway file name to the CAD file. The extension can be any CAD file extension that PC-DMIS can import (such as .cad, .igs, .dxf, and so on).

Required String. This is the file name of the inspection plan that the measurement routine is created from. This needs to be a full pathway file name to the inspection plan (.xml or.planxml).

Required String. This is the identifying string for your machine. If you're running in offline mode, use "Offline". If you're running in online mode use "CMM1".

Return Type
PartProgram object.

This method only runs properly if the Application.MMSInspectConnected method returns True.

See Also