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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > PartPrograms Object : MigrateRoutine Method
MigrateRoutine Method
Migrate an existing measurement routine
Visual Basic
Public Function MigrateRoutine( _
   ByVal FileName As String, _
   ByVal MachineName As String, _
   ByVal MigratedWithReportPath As String, _
   ByVal MigratedWithoutReportPath As String, _
   ByRef out_StatusCode As OpenRoutineStatus _
) As Long
BranchMismatchErrorPC-DMIS cannot open the routine due to a branch mismatch error. This has a value of 8.
CannotOpenRoutineFilePC-DMIS cannot open the routine. This status has a value of 4.
DeserializationErrorPC-DMIS cannot open the routine because of a deserialization error. This has a value of 7.
ErrorClosingRoutineFilePC-DMIS cannot open the routine because it cannot close the routine after it reads it. This has a value of 5.
InternalErrorPC-DMIS cannot open the routine because of an internal error. This has a value of 3.
OpenedBackupCopyPC-DMIS opened a backup copy of the routine instead of the main routine. This has a value of 2.
PcdmisIsOpeningAnotherRoutinePC-DMIS cannot open the routine because it is in the process of opening another routine. This has a value of 10.
RoutineFileDoesNotExistPC-DMIS cannot open the routine because the routine file does not exist. This has a value of 6.
RoutineIsNewerErrorPC-DMIS cannot open the routine because the routine is newer than the version of PC-DMIS. This has a value of 9.
RoutineOpenedPC-DMIS opened the routine without any errors. This has a value of 1.
UnknownStatusPC-DMIS cannot open the routine due to an unknown cause. This has a value of 0.
See Also