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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : Probes Object
Probes Object Members
Public Methods

The Add function sets the probe name to FileName. This allows the user to start creating a new probe.

The CancelChanges function cancels changes made to a probes collection and then closes the probes collection.

Returns the specified Probe object from the collection of Probes.
Save Changes made to the probes collection and closes the probes collection
Save Changes made to the probes collection and closes the probes utility dialog
Public Properties
Represents the read-only PC-DMIS application. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects.

Represents the number of Machine objects currently active in PC-DMIS.

Returns the parent PartProgram of this object.

Gets or sets the current visible state of the Probes object. You can use this property to show or hide the current probe inside the Graphics Display window of PC-DMIS.

See Also