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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL : ReportControl Object
ReportControl Object Members
Public Methods
Flips the Cad Reporting Object either horizontally or vertically
Flips the CAD Reporting Object view along the axis passed.
Public Properties


This read-only property returns the ReportControl object as an AnalysisWindow object if it can or Nothing if it can't.

Read Only: Returns the Application Object
Read/Write: Returns/Sets Bottom boundary of Object window
Read/Write: Returns/Sets the associates cad reference name
Read Only: Returns the underlying associated command when available
This applies to the CADReportObject. It determines whether or not labels are displayed on the CRO control. A value of 1 means the labels are displayed. A value of 0 means they are hidden. The default is 0.
Read/Write: Returns/Sets the height of the object
Read Only: Returns the Name of the Object


This read-only property returns 1 if the current ReportControl is an AnalysisWindow object or 0 if it is not an Analysis object.


 This read-only property returns 1 if the current ReportControl is a label proxy object.


 This read-only property returns 1 if the current ReportControl is a Leader Line object or 0 if not.

Read/Write: Returns/Sets the associates label template name


This returns 1 if the leader line is visible. Setting this property to 0 means that the leader line is not drawn.

Read/Write: Returns/Sets Left boundary of Object window
Read/Write: Returns/Sets via point data object the Offset location of the CAD Reporting Control
Read Only: Returns the parent Object
Read/Write: Returns/Sets Right boundary of Object window
Read/Write: Returns/Sets via dmis matrix the transformations/rotation on the CAD Report Control
A value of 1.00 = 100%.
Read/Write: Returns/Sets selection state of the object
Read/Write: Returns/Sets Top boundary of Object window
Read Only: Returns the object type
Read/Write: Returns/Sets visible state of the object
Read/Write: Returns/Sets the width of the object
See Also