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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
Required Variant that indicates which control to return. It can be either a Long or a String. If it is a Long, it is the index number given the control within the ReportControls collection of controls. If it is a String, it is the ID, (or ObjectCode property in the template editor) of the control.
Item Method
This method returns an Object of the control identified by the name or number in the NameOrNum parameter.
Visual Basic
Public Function Item( _
   ByVal NameOrNumber As Variant _
) As Object
Required Variant that indicates which control to return. It can be either a Long or a String. If it is a Long, it is the index number given the control within the ReportControls collection of controls. If it is a String, it is the ID, (or ObjectCode property in the template editor) of the control.

Be aware that a hidden control called "Report" always exists in the Report template and cannot be deleted or otherwise manipulated. This object is used by PC-DMIS for internal purposes only. For this reason do not give NameOrNum a value of 1, as it will try to select the Report control.

To manipulate existing report objects, you will need use this method. Once you establish a pointer to a report object, you can get or set any of its properties (similar to the ReportControls.Add method). To find the available properties, consult the dockable Properties dialog box inside PC-DMIS.

See Also