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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
ItemControl Method

This method works like the normal Item method except that the control returns a new object type that shows its properties.

The properties available to this new object type are:

Application - (Get) reference to the application object
Parent - (Get) reference to the parent object (ReportingControls)
Top - (Put/Get) Top position of the report control window
Bottom - (Put/Get) Bottom position of the report control window
Left - (Put/Get) Left position of the report control window
Right - (Put/Get) Right position of the report control window
ID - (Get) The ID of the report control - The name of the control
Selected - (Put/Get) selection state of the report control
Visible - (Put/Get) visible state of the report control
Height - (Put/Get) The height of the report control
Width - (Put/Get) The width of the report control
Type - (Get) The type of control
Command - (Get) The underlying command

Visual Basic
Public Function ItemControl( _
   ByVal NameOrNumber As Variant _
) As ReportControl
See the example in Add Control.
See Also