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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > ReportWindow Object : LoadCustomReport Method
This required Variant value specifies the custom report to load into the Report window. This can be either the custom report name or the index number.
LoadCustomReport Method
This method loads the specified custom report into the Report window.
Visual Basic
Public Function LoadCustomReport( _
   ByVal NameOrNumber As Variant _
) As Long
This required Variant value specifies the custom report to load into the Report window. This can be either the custom report name or the index number.
Return Type
Long value. This returns -1 (or True) if the function succeeds and 0 (or False) if it does not.
If you use an index value, a 0 in NameOrNumber represents the first custom report.

Sub Main

Dim App As Object

Dim PartProg As Object

Dim RepWin As Object

Set App = CreateObject("Pcdlrn.Application")

Set PartProg = App.ActivePartProgram

Set RepWin = PartProg.ReportWindow

intResponse = InputBox("Type an index value to load the associated custom report for this measurement routine. PC-DMIS will return its name.")

MsgBox "PC-DMIS attempting to load the report index: " & intResponse & " (" & RepWin.GetCustomReportName(intResponse) & ")"

Dim lngRetVal As Long

' Loads the custom report based on the entered number

lngRetVal = RepWin.LoadCustomReport(intResponse)


End Sub

See Also