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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > probe Object : QualificationSettings Property
QualificationSettings Property

Returns the Qualify Settings object that can be modified and passed into the Qualify2 method. It supports these parameters:

StartA - Returns the starting A angle of the probe
EndA - Returns the ending A angle of the probe
IncrementA - Returns the increment value for automatically generated A angles between the starting A angle of the probe and the ending A angle of the probe.
StartB - Returns the starting B angle of the probe
EndB - Returns the ending B angle of the probe
IncrementB - Returns the increment value for automatically generated B angles between the starting B angle of the probe and the ending B angle of the probe.

Property type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property QualificationSettings As QualificationSettings
See Also