The thickness is reported relative to the angle defined by the flat part of the square end. If the end is not square, the NORMAL method is used by default.

The SQUARE method uses the direction of the surface at the end point. Measured splines are sometimes a little wiggly, which can make the end-point direction unrepeatable from blade to blade. To make end-point directions more stable, you can define the parameters for the LE_FLAT_SIZE and TE_FLAT_SIZE keywords in the Tolerance file. The parameters specify the diameter of a circular zone centered on the end point. PC-DMIS Blade fits a least-squares line to everything inside the zone and defines the direction of that least-squares line to be the end-point direction used in the SQUARE method.


Example of a square-end blade

This method is available for the following calculations:

For more information about calculations, see "Calculations and Methods".