Display Buttons

These buttons help you filter or refresh the display of tiles, or change the display of the tiles.

- This button slides out a box that you can type characters into. This box filters the products to show those items with names that contain the sequence of characters you type in the box.

- The Tile View button shows the tiles in a tiled layout. This is the default view. You can use this view to access the ... menu option on tiles.

- The List View button shows the tiles in a list layout. You can use this view to see more tiles at once.

Card layout - The Card View button shows the tiles in a card layout. You can use this view to see additional information about the tile, such as the folder location for parts.

Large Thumbnails - The Large Thumbnails button shows the tiles as large thumbnails.

Small humbnails - The Small Thumbnails button shows the tiles as small thumbnails.

If you have long product names, you might find it helpful to use a list layout () with small thumbnails (Small humbnails).

- This button refreshes the current screen and loads in any new items.