Overlay Icons and ... Menu

Tiles can contain overlay icons on the tile. These icons provide information about the routine before you even select the tile:

Tile with Overlay Icons

An example tile with overlay icons

Overlay Icon - EYE-D - This icon indicates that the routine uses the EYE-D image recognition add-on.

Overlay Icon - Slideshow - This icon indicates that the routine uses the Slideshow template add-on.

Barcode Icon - This icon is used with the Barcode add-on. It indicates that the routine or playlist has a barcode associated with it.

Expired Task - This icon is used with the Scheduler add-on. It indicates that a scheduled tasks needs to be run. If a measurement routine has this overlay icon, an error message appears when you attempt to execute the routine. You cannot execute the routine until you first complete the scheduled task. You can hover over this icon to see the name of the scheduled task and when the task was last completed.

Completed Task - This icon is used with the Scheduler add-on. It indicates that all scheduled tasks were successfully completed.

Tiles can also contain a ... button with a menu of options:

- This button resides on top of measurement routine tiles and folders. It shows a list of common actions you can do with the tile or folder. Some of these options are identical to those contained on the Details pane. You may find these options useful if you don't want to use the Details pane to perform them: