The Result tab in the Roughness Evaluation dialog box (Insert | Dimension | Roughness) displays the calculated roughness characteristics.
To edit the roughness evaluation parameters, select
the Advance button ().
The Evaluation Parameters area appears:
Result tab
Form Filter box - To remove the form error, the polynomial filter is available. Enter the desired degree of polynomial. The default is 1.
λf - To apply the λf filter, do the following:
Mark the check box. By default, this check box is cleared.
Type the wavelength value in the box.
Select the Gauss or Robust Gauss filter in the Filter list.
λs - To apply the λs filter, do the following:
Mark the check box. By default, this check box is unmarked.
Type the wavelength value in the box. The default value is the wavelength that is set in the Roughness Scan command.
Select the Gauss or Robust Gauss filter in the Filter list.
λc - To set the wavelength for the λc filter, do the following:
Type the wavelength value in the box. The default value is the wavelength that is set in the Roughness Scan command.
Select the Gauss or Robust Gauss filter for ISO 4287 and ISO 13565 characteristics in the Filter lists.
Number of sections list - Select the number of sections. The default value is the number that is set in the Roughness Scan command.
Pre-Travel box - Type the pretravel distance. By default, the value is the distance that is set in the Roughness Scan command.
Ln box -The evaluation length is a calculated number that appears for information only.
Lt box - The traverse length is the length of the scan. This value is read from the Roughness Scan command. The Ln value must be smaller than the Lt value. It appears for information only.
Calculate button - To re-evaluate the roughness scan, select this button. If required, you can change the parameters and select the Calculate button.