Performing Basic Scans

PC-DMIS supports scans that are classified under a type called "basic scans". These scans are feature-based scans. That is, you could define a feature such as a circle or cylinder to be measured along with the appropriate parameters. PC-DMIS then executes a scan that uses the appropriate basic scanning capability.

The following basic scan options are available on the Insert | Scan menu if your TTP or analog probe is placed into DCC mode: Circle, Cylinder, Axis, Center, and Line.

The Center option is only available for an analog probe head.

Advanced scans in PC-DMIS are composed of basic scans. While PC-DMIS does not allow you to pick basic scans from a list and create advanced scans from them, you can copy and paste basic scans into advanced scans that you have already created. For more information, see "Performing Advanced Scans".

This chapter covers the common functions that are available on each basic scan's tab in the BASICSCAN dialog box. It then describes how to perform the basic scan. For detailed information about the options on the other tabs in the dialog box, see the "Common Functions of the BASICSCAN Dialog Box" topic in the "Scanning Your Part" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.


Performing a Circle Basic Scan

Performing a Cylinder Basic Scan

Performing an Axis Basic Scan

Performing a Center Basic Scan

Performing a Line Basic Scan