Portable Scanning Widget Toolbar

PC-DMIS automatically displays the Portable Scanning Widget toolbar in the Graphic Display window when you connect to a portable device and the active probe is a laser scanner. When you connect to a portable device, and your active probe is a laser scanner, you can use the Portable Scanning Widget button to show and hide the Portable Scanning Widget toolbar. You can find the Portable Scanning Widget button on the Pointcloud, QuickCloud and Mesh toolbars (View | Toolbars).

The toolbar options are:

Exclusion Plane button - Click this button to display the Exclusion Plane dialog box. The dialog box allows you to measure and enter settings to exclude data while scanning. You can also set the exclusion plane from the Laser Data Collection Settings dialog box. For details, see "Laser Data Collection Settings" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

Profile list - This list allows you to select a scanning profile. PC-DMIS comes with pre-defined profiles for laser scanning using the Pointcloud or Mesh Display. You can also create or edit profiles from the Laser Data Collection Settings dialog box. For details, see "Laser Data Collection Settings" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

Delete last scan pass button - Click this button to delete the last scan pass. When using a Hexagon Portable Absolute arm, you can also use the arm's left button to delete the last scan pass.

Low Quality Triangles On/Off button - If you click this button, while scanning, the software displays the triangles that form the mesh which have an angle greater than the Quality Angle setting for Mesh in the Pointcloud Display area of the Laser Data Collection Settings dialog box. For details, see "Laser Data Collection Settings" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

Create Mesh button - Click this button to create a mesh data object from the scanned data. This process finalizes the mesh and then creates the mesh data object. The process uses the current Finalize mode setting for Mesh in the Pointcloud Display area of the Laser Data Collection Settings dialog box. For details, see "Laser Data Collection Settings" in the PC-DMIS Laser documentation.

This may be a time-consuming operation based on the parameters you use.