Home > Available Help Files > PC-DMIS Portable > PC-DMIS Portable: User Interface > Using the Portable Toolbars > Tracker Toolbars
Current Help File: PC-DMIS Portable (View Core Help)
The default Leica tracker toolbars are shown in the links below. These are available when you launch PC-DMIS Portable using a Leica tracker interface.
You can click on some of these toolbars to see the associated menu item locations for the toolbar options. To view documentation on these items in PC-DMIS, position your mouse pointer over the appropriate menu item, and when the tooltip appears, press F1:
Tracker Operation toolbar (for AT-901 Trackers)
Tracker Operation toolbar (for AT-930/960, AT-40x and ATS600 Trackers)
Tracker Operation toolbar (for LAS, LAS-XL and T-Scan Trackers)
Tracker Measure
Tracker Nivel