Measuring Features: Introduction

PC-DMIS provides you with two ways to define part features and add them into your measurement routine for PC-DMIS to measure during execution:

You can also add constructed features into your measurement routine. These are features constructed from other features, which is beyond the scope of this topic. For information on constructed features, see the "Constructing New Features from Existing Features" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

Measured Features Method

Whenever your probe hits on the part, PC-DMIS interprets those hits into different features. These are called "Measured Features" and depend on the number of hits, their vectors, and so forth. The supported measured features are:

For more information, see "Inserting Measured Features".

Auto Features Method

If your version of PC-DMIS supports Auto Features, you can insert part features into your measurement routine as "Auto Features". In many cases, this automatic feature recognition is as simple as single-clicking with your mouse on the appropriate feature in the Graphic Display window. The supported Auto Features are:

For more information, see "Inserting Auto Features".