Working with Smart Parameters

(This topic applies to the Measurement Strategy Editor also known as the MSE for short.)

Terminology Note: In this topic, the word "parameter" also means "setting".

Typically, in the MSE, you can only provide a single value for a setting. In some cases, however, you may need to provide more than a single value, based on different conditions. This is best explained with an example:

Suppose you need to measure circle features on a part that have different sizes, and you want the number of hits to adjust based on the size of the diameter. With smart parameters, you can do this.

By default, a circle feature has these smart parameters defined for its Hits setting:

Maximum Diameter Number of Hits
6 4
15 6
25 10
50 18

If you create a circle feature with smart parameters enabled, PC-DMIS checks the diameter and uses the numbers of hits for the row up to the diameter's maximum value. So, with the above grid of values, if you create a circle feature with a diameter of 12 units, then PC-DMIS uses six hits to create that circle. With a diameter of 20 units, PC-DMIS gives the circle 10 hits.

Now, suppose you want to have a different number of hits (maybe 20 hits) for circles with a diameter within the range of 51 to 75. You can add a new row and then for that row, set the Maximum Diameter to 75 and Number of Hits to 20.

If the measured circle feature is larger than the highest diameter in the grid, PC-DMIS doesn't use any smart parameter for the number of hits; instead, it uses the default number of hits (usually seven) from the Auto Feature dialog box.

Available Smart Parameters

These are the available smart parameters where you can provide multiple values:



Smart Parameters


Baseline_ Touch Trigger Default



Baseline_ Adaptive Circle Scan

Point Density

Scan Speed



Baseline_ Touch Trigger Default

Hits per Level


Baseline_ Adaptive Cylinder Concentric Circle Scan

Point Density

Scan Speed



Enabling Smart Parameters

Using Smart Parameters on the Measurement Strategy Widget