Command Mode Shortcut Menu

The following shortcut menu options are available when PC-DMIS is in Command Mode. For information on these modes, see "Working in Command Mode" in the "Using the Edit Window" chapter.

The following options are available:

Select Command

This option highlights the command that the mouse is positioned over.

Select Block

If the mouse is over a start or end block object, it selects the entire block.

Jump To <Feature> (Shortcut Key stroke: Ctrl + J)

This option jumps from the current command to the referenced feature ID.

Jump Back (Shortcut Key stroke: Alt + J)

This option jumps back to the command that you were at before when you selected the Jump To option.

Path | Path Lines

This option shows only the path lines for a range of selected features. See "Showing, Animating, and Moving Path Lines" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter.

Path | Collision Detection

This option shows path lines and performs the collision detection for a range of selected features. See "Detecting Collisions" in the "Editing the CAD Display" chapter.

Path | ClearanceCube | Starting Face

The ClearanceCube | Starting Face option determines what ClearanceCube face PC-DMIS moves to before measuring the feature. The available settings are -X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z, and Off.

Path | ClearanceCube | Ending Face

The ClearanceCube | Ending Face option determines what ClearanceCube face PC-DMIS moves to after measuring the feature. The available settings are -X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z, and Off.

Path | Optimize Path

This option only appears if you right-click on a GROUP command. It performs a path optimization on the features inside of the group. For more information, see "Optimizing the Path" in the "Using Inspection Plans in PC-DMIS" appendix.

Execute | Mark (Shortcut Key stroke: F3)

This option toggles the mark state of the object for execution. For more information on marking, see "Mark" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Execute | Set as Start Point

This option determines the starting location at which measurement routine execution begins when you select the File | Partial Execution | Execute From Start Points menu option. See "Setting Start Points" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Execute | Execute From Cursor

This option starts execution from the current location of the insertion point in the Edit window.

Execute | Execute Block

This option executes the currently marked block of commands.

Execute | Breakpoint

This option inserts a breakpoint at the cursor's location. For more information on breakpoints, see "Using Breakpoints" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Edit (Shortcut Key stroke: F9)

This opens the dialog box that enables you to edit the command that the cursor resides on.

Feature | Update Nominals From CAD

This option updates the routine Nominals with the imported CAD Nominals.

Feature | Override FindNoms

This option accesses the Override FindNoms dialog box so that you can override the default find nominals behavior for the points you right-clicked on in the Edit window. See "Overriding Found Nominals" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Feature | Reset Measured Values to Nominal

This option sets all measured values to the routine nominal values.

Feature | Center in CAD

This option pans and rotates the part's CAD model as needed to center the current feature in the Graphic Display window. Once centered, the feature flashes a few times. You cannot undo this pan and rotate operation.

Feature | Highlight in CAD

This option highlights the selected feature in the Graphic Display window. It also shows and highlights the feature label if it is hidden. Highlighting a second feature clears the highlight of the first feature.

Feature | UnHighlight in CAD

This option clears the highlighted CAD feature made using the Highlight in CAD menu item above.

Feature | Move Probe to Feature

This option moves the animated probe in the Graphic Display window to the CAD element for the selected feature. It becomes available for selection only in Offline mode and only if you first select a feature command. Other commands are not supported.

Feature | Hide Feature(s)

This option toggles the display of selected feature commands and their IDs in the Graphic Display window. You can also use this on a GROUP command to toggle the display of features within the group.

The shortcut for this is Ctrl + Shift + F.

Feature | Test <Feature>

This option only appears when right-clicking on an Auto feature. It performs a test execution of the selected Auto feature. This functions the same as the Test button in the Auto Feature dialog box.

WARNING: When you do this, the machine moves. To avoid injury, stay clear of the machine. To avoid hardware damage, run the machine at a slower speed.

Feature | Move To <Feature>

This option only appears when right-clicking on an Auto feature. It moves the probe to the center of the selected Auto feature. This functions the same as the Move To button in the Auto Feature dialog box.

WARNING: When you do this, the machine moves. To avoid injury, stay clear of the machine. To avoid hardware damage, run the machine at a slower speed.

BookMark (Shortcut Key stroke: Ctrl + F2)

This option inserts a bookmark at the cursor's location. For more information on bookmarks, see "Using Bookmarks" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Cut (Shortcut Key stroke: Ctrl + X)

This option cuts the selected Edit window text to the Clipboard. For more information on how to cut in the Edit window, see "Cut" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Copy (Shortcut Key stroke: Ctrl + C)

This option copies the selected Edit window text to the Clipboard. For more information on how to copy in the Edit window, see "Copy" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.

Paste (Shortcut Key stroke: Ctrl + V)

This option pastes text from the Clipboard into the Edit window at the cursor's location. For more information on how to paste in the Edit window, see "Paste" in the "Editing a Measurement Routine" chapter.


This option inserts the list of contiguous selected commands into a user-defined group.

Collapse Groups

This option collapses all expanded user-defined groups. Other expanded items remain expanded.

Expand Groups

This option expands all collapsed user-defined groups. Other collapsed items remain collapsed.

Docking View

See the description given in the "Summary Mode Command Shortcut Menu".

Change Pop-up Display | Expression Value

      1. Select Expression Value.

      2. Let your cursor rest over an expression.

      3. A small pop-up window appears and displays the current value of the expression.

Change Pop-up Display | Data Type Information

      1. Select Data Type Information.

      2. Let your cursor rest over a data field.

      3. A small pop-up window appears and displays information about that data field, including the data type description, data type number, and type index.

The information displayed in this pop-up window can be used with the GETTEXT expression. See the "Using Expressions and Variables" chapter.

Change Pop-up Display | Command Information

      1. Select Command Information.

      2. Let your cursor rest over any Edit window command.

A small pop-up window appears and displays command description information and the command type number. The information displayed in this pop-up window can be used with the GETCOMMAND expression. See the "Using Expressions and Variables" chapter.


This menu option remains unavailable for selection until you insert an external object into the Edit window. For information on how to do this, see "Inserting External Objects" in the "Adding External Elements" chapter.

Once you select the inserted external object in the Edit window and then right-click on it, this menu changes to reflect options unique to that particular object. These may include options such as opening the object, editing the object, or modifying the object's properties.