Using Blade Scan Control Points

You can use the Advanced feature for the Blade Scan command to specify control points. Control points enable you to change the scanning speed and point density for a certain part of the scan.

If you need more control points than the ones defined for normal blade measurement, you can add additional control points. You may need more control points in the following situations:

When you define additional control points, the Blade Scan command scans all of the blade sections in the unidirectional pattern only.

To use control points, click the Advanced button in the Blade Scan dialog box. The Blade Scan dialog box appears and displays the Control Points area:

Blade Scan dialog box with Control Points area

The Control Points area contains the following items.

To modify a control point in the Control Points area, double-click on the control point. This opens the Control Point dialog box to modify the desired value.

You cannot delete the FL, SL, and SH control points.