Check Boxes for the General tab

The General tab of the Setup Options (Edit | Preferences | Setup) dialog box lets you turn on or off a variety of different options. This is useful because you can customize the way much of PC-DMIS operates in order to fit your specific needs.


Press End Key

Find Nominals

Point Only Mode

Edge Point Only Mode

Ignore Motion Errors

Automatically Adjust Probe Head Wrist

Ignore CAD to Part

Reset global settings when branching

Move Feature to Reference Plane

Show Extended Sheet Metal Options

Fixed Dialog Positions

Lock Marked Sets

Automatically Scale to Fit

Show Hit Deviations

Use Circular Moves on Round Features

Thickness for Point Only Mode Points

Allow fine tuning of Alignment

Use CAD Provided IDs for Features

Find Nominals During Execution

Auto Continue Execution if FindHole Fails

Show Startup Dialog

Automatic Label Positioning

Animate Probe during Program Mode

Show Icon in Text Boxes

Save Measurement Routine on Execute

Use DMIS Button in Edit Window

Patch Scans Maintain Last Increment

Use Automotive Deviation Letters

Use Find Nominals Override for Scans

Use ONLY Priority Surfaces for the Find Nominals During Scans

Display Outline of Plane

Treat Theo Values As if Stored in Part Coordinates

Update Theoretical Values in While Loops

Make Variables Globally Visible

Use DMIS Polar Convention

Pass Back Settings from Subroutine

Use Program Layout for Execution

Force Part Alignment in Car Body

Keep Existing Dimension's Axes

Select Alignment to Export

Gap Only

Show tracker parameters in offline

Update Report During Execution

Update Summary Mode During Execution

Suppress Vision Load Probe Dialogs

Focus Along Camera Vector

Auto Edge Strength

Clear Input on Execution

Do Not Display Plane

Print Background Colors

Use Legacy Profile 2D

Move to focus position

Clearance Cube uses Tip Vector for Start/End Face

Start Points Always Track Execution

Use Scanning Strategies for QuickAlign

Open report file when generated

Send skipped items to statistics

Looped Analysis Commands use same CAD Alignment

Auto Insert Temperature Compensation in New Routine

Use characteristic ID naming

Use Measurement Strategy Widget

Use Measurement Strategy Editor

Show Home Page

Show Peek Window

Auto scale manual feature during execution

Enable 2D feature glow