Creating Constructed Features

This procedure below contains very basic information on constructing features. For in-depth information, see the "Constructing New Features from Existing Features" chapter.

  1. From the Quick Start toolbar, select the Construct toolbar. See "Using the Quick Start Interface" chapter for details.

  2. Click the icon of the feature to be measured. The Quick Start dialog box shows an icon of the procedure and a second icon for the first needed feature type.

  3. Follow the instructions at the bottom of the toolbar or on the Status bar. You can either fill in the data in the dialog or select (or measure) the needed features to use in the construction.

  4. Continue following the instructions until the Finish button becomes available. If you find items that appear in the Quick Start user interface that are not covered in the "Using the Quick Start Dialog Box" topic, consult the "Constructing New Features from Existing Features" chapter.

  5. Click Finish when ready. PC-DMIS places the newly constructed feature on the part in the Graphic Display window and also in the Edit window.