Using the Quick Start Interface

The Quick Start interface (View | Other Windows | Quick Start) is a dialog box with a connected toolbar down the side.

Quick Start interface

This interface helps you create a measurement routine. It does this by providing dialog boxes or procedures that help you define or calibrate a probe, align your part, measure features, construct additional features, and dimension existing features.

To access an item, click on the desired toolbar icon. If the icon contains additional procedures, another toolbar appears to the right of the selected icon. You can select a specific procedure from the new toolbar.

Quick Start Toolbar Icons

The Quick Start toolbar contains these icons:



Calibrate Probes - This icon does not have a toolbar. It opens the Probe Utilities dialog box. You can use this dialog box to define a probe and calibrate probe tips.

Alignments - Displays the Quick Start Align toolbar. You can select an alignment procedure from this toolbar.

Measure - Displays the Quick Start Measure toolbar. You can select a measurement procedure from this toolbar.

Construct - Displays the Quick Start Construct toolbar. You can select a construction procedure from this toolbar.

Dimension - Displays the Quick Start Dimension toolbar. You can select a desired dimension procedure from this toolbar.

Reset - This icon does not have a toolbar. It resets the Quick Start dialog box to Guess mode.

Understanding the Quick Start Interface

When you enable the Quick Start interface, PC-DMIS disables the QuickFeature functionality. Also, if you are in the process of creating a Quick Start feature, you cannot perform any editing in the Edit window.

For example, you cannot use QuickFeatures if you enable the Quick Start interface. Also, you cannot delete, copy, or mark features in the Edit window; neither can you execute your measurement routine. To perform these and other actions, you need to first close the Quick Start interface.

The Quick Start toolbar is tied to the Quick Start dialog box. This means that whenever you select the Quick Start interface, both the toolbar down the left side and the dialog box automatically appear and are inseparable.

Quick Start dialog box and toolbar

In addition:


Using the Quick Start Dialog Box

Quick Start: Measure Toolbar

Quick Start: Construct Toolbar

Quick Start: Dimension Toolbar

Quick Start: Align Toolbar

Quick Start: Calibrate / Edit Toolbar