Sending Data to a Local DataPage+ Database

To send statistical data from PC-DMIS to a local database used in DataPage+, you may need to create a new database.

Legacy DataPage databases use a different database structure than DataPage+. Therefore, they cannot be used inside DataPage+. To continue building upon your existing data set, you need to perform a dump (or export) of your data and then import that data into a new DataPage+ database using the Tools | Database Import menu item in DataPage+. For more information, see the DataPage+ documentation on "Importing Data from an ASCII File".

After you have a database created, if you're using a supported version of PC-DMIS and DataPage+, you can then connect to that database from within your STATS/ON command by following the steps below. For information on supported methods and versions, see "Table of Supported Methods".

Step 1: Install .NET Framework v3.5

Before you can send data to PC-DMIS, your computer system must have the .NET Framework v3.5 installed. If needed, you can install it from this link:

Step 2: Create a New DataPage+ Database

If you want to use a new database with DataPage+, you need to use the Database creation tools inside of DataPage+. To do this, start DataPage+, and select Tools | Database connection. See your DataPage+ documentation for information on creating the new database.

This automatically creates a database and data source for you to connect to from within PC-DMIS. After you have the database created, follow the instructions below to connect to an existing database.

Step 3: Connect to an Existing Data Source and DataPage+ Database

This step describes how to connect a STATS/ON command to an existing data source and database.

  1. Select Insert | Statistics Command | Statistics. The Statistics Options dialog box appears.

  2. From the Database options area, select DataPage+.

  3. From the Data source list, select the name of your data source. If needed, specify a user name and password in the appropriate boxes. You can also send data offline by using the Offline check box. In that case, you don't need to establish a connection to the database. For more information, see "Sending DataPage+ Info without a Database Connection (Offline)" below.

  4. Click Test Connection. If you have set things up correctly, a "Succeeded" message appears.

The demo database that ships with DataPage+ is only for viewing purposes. You should not use it to send data from PC-DMIS.

  1. Click OK to close the Statistics Options dialog box. Now, your STATS/ON command should send statistical data to the specified data source. You final STATS/ON command might look something like this:


This connects to an existing database named dpplus_database.

Sending DataPage+ Info without a Database Connection (Offline)

See the "Record" topic.

Importing XML Data into your DataPage+ Database

You can also import statistical data from XML files into the DataPage+ database. You can send statistical data to XML files with these methods:

You can then use a utility called DataImporter.exe (also in the DataPage+ installation directory). DataImporter.exe checks the directory that contains the generated XML files. It can then pull the data from the .xml files into the database.

For more information on DataImporter.exe, see "Using DataImporter.exe" in the DataPage+ documentation.

For more in-depth information, see the ReadMe.doc file that ships with DataPage+ and also the "XML Statistics Tools" section of the DataPage+ documentation.