Step 1: Calibrate the Probe

There are two methods to calibrate the probe: Macros and NC Server application.

For information on the NC Server operation, see the NC Server documentation.


This method uses the macros that the probe or NC manufacturer supplies. In this method, two macros are normally used:

NC Server Application

This method uses standard PC-DMIS calibration techniques. You may use the NC Server application to calibrate the probe if the probe supports full 3-axis vectoring. You must use PC-DMIS calibration when you use 5-axis systems.

To enable PC-DMIS probe calibration, follow these steps:

  1. Start the NC Server application.

  2. From NC Server:

  1. Modify the machine's settings as needed. For details on NC Server settings, see "NC Server Settings" in the NC Server documentation.

  2. On the NC control, set the calibration tool's length offset to zero, and set any XY offsets to zero.

  1. Click Open PC-DMIS, and create a new, blank measurement routine.

  2. From PC-DMIS, select the Insert | Hardware Definition | Probe menu item to open the Probe Utilities dialog box. Set the nominal offsets for the probe tips by building the probe from the components supplied. For information, see the "Defining Probes" topic in the "Defining Hardware" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

  3. Place a Qualification Sphere in the machine volume and define its exact location. Attach a dial indicator in the spindle and sweep the diameter of the sphere. Jog the spindle until the variation is minimized. The spindle position now defines two of the sphere axes. The third axis is set by loading a tool-length standard in the spindle and bringing it to the top of the sphere with a feeler gage of a known size between it and the sphere. Decrease the distance until the feeler gage is tight. The sphere center is the length of the master tool, and the feeler gage, plus the known radius of the sphere. The values for the XYZ location of the sphere, its diameter and stem vector, are used to define a qualification tool in the Measure Probe dialog box.

  4. Click Add Tool to define the parameters for calibration and the calibration tool sphere in the Measure Probe dialog box. Increasing the Prehit / Retract values may be helpful.

  5. Press the Measure button when the calibration tool and all other parameters are correct. This inserts the measurement commands required to measure the qualification sphere into the current measurement routine.

  6. Save the PC-DMIS measurement routine.

  7. Select the Operation | CNC Programming | Create CNC Measurement Routine menu item to create the CNC measurement routine.

  8. To complete the calibration process from the NC Server application:

  1. Download the newly-created calibration measurement routine to the NC control.

  2. Use the NC Server to execute the measurement routine. This causes the NC machine to execute the calibration measurement routine and pass the measurements back to the NC Server application, which invokes the PC-DMIS qualification measurement routine with the measured data.

  3. The PC-DMIS probe file updates to use the calibration data.

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