RA8 Wrist Display - Measured Features in Guess Mode

When you measure features in Guess mode, PC-DMIS can determine the feature type. For details on guessing a measured feature type, see "Guessing a Measured Feature Type" in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

The wrist display shows the feature type and hit count. The wrist display also shows the active reference plane for 2D features (LIN, CIR, SLT). When you end the feature measurement, the wrist display shows the feature form and size (where applicable) for ten seconds, or until you start the next measurement.

Example of the RA8 wrist display - Guess mode, Line feature

Example of the RA8 wrist display - Guess mode, Circle feature


Hexagon Portable Arm (RA8) Wrist Display

RA8 Wrist Display - Contact Auto Features

RA8 Wrist Display - Re-executing Measured Features

RA8 Wrist Display - Measured Features with Find Nominals Enabled

RA8 Wrist Display - Contact Scans

RA8 Wrist Display - Laser Scans