RA8 Wrist Display - Measured Features with Find Nominals Enabled

When you align the part to the CAD model and you enable Find Nominals from CAD mode, the wrist display shows the feature form after you complete the hits for the feature.

For details on Find Nominals from CAD mode, see "Find Nominals" in the "Setting Your Preferences" chapter of the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

For points, the wrist display shows the "T" value.


Hexagon Portable Arm (RA8) Wrist Display

RA8 Wrist Display - Contact Auto Features

RA8 Wrist Display - Measured Features in Guess Mode

RA8 Wrist Display - Re-executing Measured Features

RA8 Wrist Display - Contact Scans

RA8 Wrist Display - Laser Scans