Creating a Weight Compensation Command

You should place the command for enabling Weight Compensation at the beginning of the measurement routine and the command for disabling it (see "Weight Compensation - Disabled Mode") at the end of the measurement routine. These placements avoid undesired persistence of Weight Compensation among different measurement routines.

To create a WeightComp command, follow these steps:

  1. Open an existing measurement routine. For help, see "Opening Existing Measurement Routines" in the "Using Basic File Options" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.

  2. Select Insert | Modules | Weight Compensation to open the WeightComp dialog box.

WeightComp dialog box

WeightComp dialog box

If PC-DMIS is currently in Offline mode, the warning message appears. The message indicates that PC-DMIS is in Offline mode and that acceptable controller values may be different than if PC-DMIS were in Online mode.

To continue, click OK.

  1. Select the appropriate WeightComp command mode from the Mode list:

  1. To create this WeightComp command, click OK. The WeightComp command appears in the Edit window. To cancel this WeightComp command, click Cancel. The dialog box closes.

  1. Execute the WeightComp command. For help, see "Executing Measurement Routines" in the "Using Advanced File Options" chapter in the PC-DMIS Core documentation.