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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > PartProgram Object : ExecuteMiniRoutineByUIDArray Method
This array contains a list of mini routine UIDs to execute. You can get UIDs from the .xml file that PC-DMIS creates when you create mini routines.
This determines if the mini routine also executes features required to create the alignment.
ExecuteMiniRoutineByUIDArray Method
This method executes multiple mini routines contained within an array of strings. Each item in the array is a UID (unique ID).
Visual Basic
Public Function ExecuteMiniRoutineByUIDArray( _
   ByVal UIDArray As StringArray, _
   ByVal AlignmentDependencies As Boolean _
) As Boolean
This array contains a list of mini routine UIDs to execute. You can get UIDs from the .xml file that PC-DMIS creates when you create mini routines.
This determines if the mini routine also executes features required to create the alignment.
Return Type
Returns True if the method succeeds and False otherwise.
See ExecuteMiniRoutineByNameArray for an example to see how to create string arrays of mini routine names and of UIDs (unique IDs) and how to execute them.
See Also