Activate | Makes measurement routine the active measurement routine |
AsyncExecute | This function starts execution of the measurement routine and then returns immediately, allowing for asynchronous execution. |
AutoCreateGroupsForBMWMessPrograms | Converts BMWMess programs into groups |
CalcAdjustTransform | Calculates part adjustment transformation in machine coordinates |
ClearAllTADs | Clears the persistent User Assigned Properties data for all reports |
ClearExecutionBlock | This clears the start and end commands set by the SetExecutionBlock method. |
ClearExecutionMarkedSet | Clears the User Marked Set for execution set by SetExecutionMarkedSet |
ClearTADs | Clears the persistent User Assigned Properties data for the current report |
ClearVerifyFeaturesFlag | Clear the VerifyFeatures Flag |
Close | This subroutine saves, closes, and deactivates the measurement routine. |
CopyAutoFeatureInspectionPlannerSettingsIntoRegistryDefaultSettings | This method accesses the .ipd file that is specified in the Parameters File settings entry under the Planner section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor. It then copies any inspection planner settings for auto features contained in that file and sets the equivalent PC-DMIS default settings entries to those settings. |
CreateGuessWithDimension | Tries to guess what command was measured and applies the appropriate dimension to it |
DmisOut | This function outputs DMIS results to a file. |
DmisOut2 | Outputs DMIS results to a file; option for output last instance only |
DoAutoInsertMoves | This method can take two parameters, a start command and an end command. These define a range of commands. The method then adds MOVE/POINT commands between each feature command within this range. If you don't specify a start or end command then the range includes all the features in the measurement routine. |
DoCollisionDetectPath | This method can take two parameters, a start command and an end command. These define a range of commands. The method then performs a collision detection check for all features within this range. If you don't specify a start or end command then the range includes all the features in the measurement routine. |
DoMappedImport | Import And Mapping |
DoStandardImportAndResetSensorMapping | Do Standard Import and reset SensorMapping |
EditReferredCommandsWarningMessage | Edit Warning Message for Features To be Deleted |
EditRulesFile | Edits basic script rules file for default parameter managment (Inspection Planner) |
EXECUTE | This function executes the measurement routine. |
ExecuteMiniRoutineByName | This method executes a mini routine based on the mini routine's name. |
ExecuteMiniRoutineByNameArray | This method executes multiple mini routines contained within an array of strings. Each item in the array is a mini routine name. |
ExecuteMiniRoutineByUID | This method executes a mini routine based on the mini routine's UID (unique ID). |
ExecuteMiniRoutineByUIDArray | This method executes multiple mini routines contained within an array of strings. Each item in the array is a UID (unique ID). |
Export | This function exports CAD or part data from the measurement routine to the indicated file. The export format is determined by the file name extension of Name. |
ExportDataToXML | Exports complete data dictionary to an XML file |
ExportStatsFile | Export stats xml to specified file position |
ExportToXML |
This exports the measurement routine as an XML file. |
ExternalCommandEvent | ExternalCommandEvent |
GetAvailableSchemasForSaveAs |
This returns a list of either schema numbers or version names available to the SaveAs3 method. |
GetExecutionMarkedSetIndex | Returns the current User Marked Set Index for execution set by SetExecutionMarkedSet. -1 means No Marked Set |
GetExecutionWindow | Returns object pointer to the Execution Window for the specified arm if available |
GetMarkedSetName | This returns a True (-1) or False (0) to identify whether there's a defined marked set for the passed index value. |
GetMarkedSetNumbers | Returns the max munber of allowed marked set and the number of marked set currently defined |
GetReadoutWindow | Returns object pointer to Readout Window |
GetStringArray | Creates an array of strings. |
GetVariableValue | This method returns a variable object specified by the string in VarName. |
Guess | Tries to guess what command has just been measured |
IgnoreLearnModeHits | IgnoreLearnModeHits |
Import | This function imports CAD or part data from the indicated file to the measurement routine. The file format is determined by the file name extension of Name. |
Import2 | Imports from another format into the measurement routine. The parameter |
ImportPlanxml | A .planxml file contains a measurement plan created from the Planner application. This is an xml file. You can import measurement plans into the measurement routine using this method. |
ImportPlanxmlIntoExisting | Import Planxml into existing command in Part Program |
ImportQuickFeaturesDefaults | Import Quick Features Defaults From ConfigServer To PcDmis Registry |
ImportUGDCI | ImportUGDCI |
ImportUGDCI2 | ImportUGDCI2. The parameter |
ImportXML |
This imports a measurement routine in an XML format into the current measurement routine. |
InjectRepositoryInfo | Inject Repository Info |
InsertTipCommandIfRequired | Insert tip command (defined by vector) if required |
IsProbeAnalog | Returns TRUE if the current loaded probe in a measurement routine is an analog probe; it returns FALSE otherwise. If you have multiple probe types defined for a measurement routine, the return value will depend, of course, on the location of the insertion point in the measurement routine. |
LoadLayout | The LoadLayout method loads a customized PC-DMIS user-interface layout as if it were selected from the Windows Layout toolbar inside PC-DMIS. Also, if a layout has been created and moved to a different directory, you can access it by specifying the absolute or relative file name. For information on using this toolbar, see the "Using Toolbars" section inside your PC-DMIS Help File. |
MessageBox | This function uses the PC-DMIS message box function. It includes all functionality including cancelling of execution tied to the Cancel button. |
OverrideExecuteSpeed | Overrides the current execution speed |
Quit | This subroutine closes and deactivates the measurement routine without saving. |
ReadMSEXml | Read MSE Xml |
RefreshPart | Refreshes the display of the Part in the Edit window and in the CAD window. |
RemoveLastLearnHit | Removes the last learn-mode hit |
RunJournalFile | This executes the measurement routine using point data collected from a journal file. |
Save | This subroutine saves the measurement routine. If the measurement routine has not been saved before, it opens a Save As Dialog box which requires that you name the file. |
SaveAs |
This lets you save the measurement routine with a new name or in a new file location. |
SaveAs2 |
This method lets you save the measurement routine with a new name or in a new file location. It differs from the SaveAs method by letting you save the CAD file as a reference. |
SaveAs3 | This method lets you save the measurement routine with a new name or in a new file location. It differs from the SaveAs method by letting you specify the version name or schema number and by saving the CAD file as a reference. |
SetCadEqualPart | Set Cad equals Part |
SetExecutionBlock | This method defines a block of commands to execute. Calls are made to the Execute or AsyncExecute functions until the execution block is cleared with the ClearExecutionBlock method. |
SetExecutionMarkedSet | Sets the User Marked Set for execution, calls to Execute or AsyncExecute will used until cleared. Returns false if requested marked set does not exist |
SetIPPlanVersion | Set IP Plan Version |
SetupFeatureBasedMeasurement | This method calls a text file as a string. The XML content in the text file defines the features or dimensions you want to use for feature based measurement. Based on the contents of the XML, PC-DMIS can marks those commands, and any dependent commands. |
SetVariableValue | This method sets the value defined in Value for the variable specified by the string in VarName. |
SetVerifyFeaturesFlag | Set the VerifyFeatures Flag |
StartMeshFromOptoCat | Starts Mesh from OptoCat |
StopMeshFromOptoCat | Stops Mesh from OptoCat |
ToggleMasterSlaveMode | Enters/Exits Master-Slave Mode |
WaitUntilCreatingPathLinesDone | Delays script execution until path lines are created |
WaitUntilExecuted | This method waits until the specified Command object executes, or until Timeout seconds pass. |
_Name | |
ActiveMachine | Returns the Machine object associated with this measurement routine. |
Application | Represents the read-only PC-DMIS application. The Application object includes properties and methods that return top-level objects. For example, the ActivePartProgram property returns a PartProgram object. |
BundledStations | Read Only: Returns object pointer Bundled Station collection |
CadModel | Read Only: Returns Cad Model Object |
CadWindows | Returns the CadWindows object associated with this measurement routine. |
Commands | Returns the Commands collection object of this measurement routine. |
ConnectedInDriveMode | Read Only: Returns true when computer connected as driving computer |
ConnectedInRelayMode | Read Only: Returns true when computer connected as relay computer |
ConnectedToMaster | Returns TRUE if the measurement routine is on the master computer but is running as the slave measurement routine. Returns FALSE otherwise. |
ConnectedToSlave | Returns TRUE if the measurement routine is on the slave computer but is running as the master measurement routine. Returns FALSE otherwise. |
CurrentArm | This read/write property returns or sets the active arm when using PC-DMIS in multiple arm mode. |
CurrentProbeName | Read: Returns the Name of current probe file |
EditWindow | Returns the Editwindow object associated with this measurement routine. |
EditWindowTextAll | Returns a single string containing all the text of the entire Edit window as seen in the Edit window's command mode. Read only. |
ExcelFileIndex | Read/Write: Get/Set the current excel output file index |
ExcelFileMethod | Read/Write: Get/Set the current excel output file method |
ExcelFileName | Read/Write: Get/Set the current excel output file name |
ExecOptContinueButtonVisible | Read/Write: Property indicating if Continue button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs |
ExecOptJumpButtonVisible | Read/Write: Property indicating if Jump button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs |
ExecOptSkipButtonVisible | Read/Write: Property indicating if Skip button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs |
ExecOptStopButtonVisible | Read/Write: Property indicating if Stop button is set visible on new Execution Options Dialogs |
ExecutedCommands | The ExecutedCommands property returns the ExecutedCommands object. This object contains a collection class of those commands last executed for the current measurement routine. |
ExecuteDialogVisible | Read/Write: Gives status / makes execute dialog visible or hidden |
ExecutionWasCancelled | Returns TRUE if, during measurement routine execution, the execution is cancelled. Otherwise it returns FALSE. The default value is FALSE. |
FullName | Returns the measurement routine’s full file path and name. |
GDTStandard | Read/Write: Returns/Sets the GD&T Standard |
IsModified | Read Only: Returns the information as the part program / measurement routine has been modified |
LaserSequentialExecution | Read/Write: Returns/Sets laser only sequential part program execution mode |
LIVWindow | Read Only: Returns object pointer of type LIVWindow |
MarkChildMode | This enables or disables the Child Mode for Edit window Markings. If enabled and something is marked, any children commands related to the parent command is also marked. |
MarkNewAlignmentMode | This property enables or disables the New Alignment Mode menu option in PC-DMIS and by doing so it determines whether or not the alignment associated with marked feature or dimensions is also marked for execution. |
MarkParentMode | This enables or disables the Parent Mode for Edit window Markings. If enabled and something is marked, any parent commands related to the child command is also marked. |
MasterSlaveDlg | This returns a read-only pointer to the Multiple Arm Calibration dialog box, opening the dialog box if necessary. |
MeshOptoCatHasStarted | Read Only: Returns if Mesh from OptoCat has started |
Name | Returns the measurement routine’s file name. |
NoActiveProbesObject | Read: Property indicating no Probes object are instantiated |
OldBasic | Returns this measurement routine’s OldBasic object. The OldBasic object contains all of the methods from the old basic command set used in previous versions of PC-DMIS. |
OptimizePath | Once you have the pointer you can use properties and methods from that object to perform path optimizations. |
OutputFileIndex | When you generate a saved output file using automatic indexing with the Edit window PRINT/AUTO command, PC-DMIS uses an index value as a base. It then it increments the index if there's a duplicate file name in the same directory so that you end up with a unique file name. This property lets you get or set the index value stored in the part program. |
OutputFileName | When you generate a saved output file with the Edit window PRINT Command, PC-DMIS stores that file in a directory of your choice. This property returns a string of the file name used by the part program. |
Parent | Returns the PartPrograms collection object to which this measurement routine belongs. |
PartGuid | Returns a string with the part's GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). |
PartName | Represents the part name of the measurement routine. |
PartProgramSettings | Read Only: Returns object pointer to PartProgramSettings Object |
Path | Returns the measurement routine’s file path. |
Probes | The Probes property returns this measurement routine’s Probes collection object. |
ProbeToolBoxPages | Read Only: Returns the IProbeToolBoxPages Object |
ProgramVersionName | Read Only: Property indicating the version name the measurement routine has been saved to |
ProgramVersionSchema | Read Only: Property indicating the schema number the measurement routine has been saved to |
QuickStart | Read Only: Returns object pointer to QuickStart Object |
ReadoutEnabled | Read/Write: Property indicating whether to send or not readout events |
ReportWindow | Read Only: Returns object pointer of type ReportWindow |
RevisionNumber | Represents the measurement routine’s revision number. |
RoutineExecutionTimeManager | Read Only: Returns the RoutineExecutionTimeManager Object |
SerialNumber | Represents the measurement routine’s serial number. |
ShowAllIDs | Read/Write: Property indicating whether to show all IDs in the CAD Window |
Speed | Read Only: Returns Execution speed (0 if not executing) |
StatsCount | Returns or sets the stats count for the current measurement routine. Read/Write Long. |
Tools | The Tools property returns this measurement routine’s Tools collection object. |
Units | Returns the measurement unit type used in the measurement routine. Either inches or millimeters. |
Visible | Represents the measurement routine’s visibility status. |
OnAddCollisionDetected | Event fired when collision detected |
OnAddObject | This event gets launched when the specified Command gets added to the measurement routine. |
OnEndCollisionDetect | Event fired when collision detect ends |
OnEndExecution | This event gets launched when PC-DMIS finishes executing the measurement routine. PC-DMIS determines it has finished execution based on the termination type. |
OnExecuteDialogErrorMsg | This event gets launched when the Execution Mode Options dialog box displays ErrorMsg. |
OnExecuteDialogStatusMsg | This event gets launched when the Execution Mode Options dialog box displays StatusMsg. |
OnGuess | Event fired when PC-DMIS guesses the feature being measured |
OnObjectAboutToExecute | This event gets launched immediately before the specified Command gets executed. |
OnObjectAboutToExecute2 | This event gets launched immediately before the specified Command gets executed on a specified Arm of a multiple arm system. |
OnObjectExecuted | This event gets launched immediately after the specified Command gets executed. |
OnObjectExecuted2 | This event gets launched immediately after the specified Command gets executed on a specified Arm of a multiple arm system. |
OnReportPrintEnd | For information, see the OnReportPrintStart event from the ApplicationObjectEvents object. It's the same. This event is also provided here as a convenience. |
OnReportPrintStart | For information, see the OnReportPrintStart event from the ApplicationObjectEvents object. It's the same. This event is also provided here as a convenience. |
OnStartCollisionDetect | Event fired when collision detect begins |
OnStartExecution | Event fired when measurement routine execution begins |