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PC-DMIS 2023.2 Object Library
PCDLRN ActiveX DLL > PartProgram Object : ImportPlanxml Method
String value containing the full pathway of the .planxml file.
ImportPlanxml Method

A .planxml file contains a measurement plan created from the Planner application. This is an xml file. You can import measurement plans into the measurement routine using this method.

Visual Basic
Public Function ImportPlanxml( _
   ByVal xmlFileName As String _
) As XMLImport_StatusCode
String value containing the full pathway of the .planxml file.
This example imports a .planxml file into the current measurement routine.
Dim DmisApp As Object
Dim DmisPart As Object

Sub Main
  Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
  Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram

DmisPart.importPlanXML "D:\MyXMLFiles\test_xml.PlanXML"
Set DmisPart = Nothing
Set DmisApp = Nothing
End Sub
See Also