DMIS Import Setup - General tab

DMIS Import Setup dialog box - General tab

The General tab of the DMIS Import Setup dialog box (File | Import | DMIS) allows you to control probe file translation for the imported DMIS measurement routine. The controls used on this tab are described here:

DMIS file options - This box specifies the DMIS file to import. It automatically contains a pathway to the file selected from the Open dialog box described in the DMIS import procedure.

Merge and Replace - These options specify whether or not PC-DMIS replaces existing commands with the imported DMIS commands or merges the new commands with the existing commands.

Arm - This list specifies the arm to use from a multiple arm system.

Probe File - This list specifies an existing probe file.

Use selected probe file(s) - This option uses an existing probe file selected from the Probe file list.

  1. From the Arm list, select the arm that will use the displayed probe file from the drop-down window.

  2. Select the probe file from the list.

  3. Click Apply. PC-DMIS adds any tips (sensors) referenced in the DMIS measurement routines that are not already in the probe file.

Create new default probe file - This option creates a new probe file based on the SNSDEF statements in the DMIS measurement routine file. PC-DMIS generates a new probe file and gives it the same name as the DMIS measurement routine filename and a ".prb" extension. The created probe configuration defaults to a PH9 wrist with a TP2 connection with a TIP2BY20MM tip. However, if no SNSDEF statements are detected in the DMIS measurement routine, a probe configuration will not be created.

Ignore SNSLCT/ statements - This option ignores SNSLCT statements in the DMIS measurement routine during the import process.

If the default probe configuration does not match the probe configuration of your machine, you should construct a probe file with the correct probe configuration using PC-DMIS prior to importing a DMIS measurement routine file. Then, select the created probe file from within this tab and click Apply and then OK. This allows the translator to select the most appropriate tip or tips during translation of the SNSDEF statements.

Related Topics:

DMIS Import Setup – Error Log tab

DMIS Import Setup – Advanced tab