uEyePlus Camera Installation

For additional details, refer to the factory's setup documentation and the IDS Peak Tools that the IDS Peak software installs.

To install the camera software and configure the hardware, do the following:

  1. Install the IDS Peak software software.

  2. Copy the IDS Peak Comfort DLLs found in C:\Program Files\IDS\ids_peak\comfort_sdk\api\lib\x86_64 to the C:\Windows directory.

  3. Copy the factory-specified camera parameter file or files. For naming and location, see the " Interface-Specific Options ".

If you need to create a custom configuration file, configure the camera as desired in the IDS Peak Cockpit, and save the parameters to a file (File | Save Parameters | File). For a single 3020 camera, name the file Camera_3020_1.cset. The name of the file must start with Camera_ and end in "_n", where "n" is the total number of cameras on the system (such as Camera_3020_default_2.ini and Camera_3020_bright_1.ini).

  1. Run PC-DMIS as an Administrator.

  2. Close PC-DMIS.

  3. Configure the PC-DMIS frame grabber and camera settings. See the "Interface-Specific Options" and "Latching" sections for more details.

  4. Run PC-DMIS.

  5. Confirm the live image view is working. For details, see "Testing the IDS uEyePlus Camera" in the PC-DMIS MIIM documentation.

Related Topics:

Falcon and Eagle Frame Grabber Installation

uEye Camera Installation

IDS Frame Grabber and uEye Camera Installation